Grayville salutes our Veterans
The City of Grayville is proud to have two Veterans Memorials. The first is located at City Hall on Illinois Route 1 which consists of the flags of each of the branches of service. These flags stand next to the POW/MIA (Prisoner of War/Missing in Action) Memorial.

The second Veteran’s Memorial is located at Oak Grove Cemetery on Old Illinois Route 130 where Veterans services are held each Memorial Day and Veterans Day. This memorial hosts a black granite marker with benches, flags, and a Howitzer 105 Army Cannon. Behind there is a circled brick area which contains the six branches of service, flags, a monument of a Battle Field Cross, and a field of bricks containing the name, branch of service, and the time served of veterans past and present.
While most are placed by family members to remember and honor their veterans, the Grayville Veterans Memorial has an Adopt-A-Veteran Program where people can adopt a Veteran from years past. This field of bricks has veterans from the Revolutionary War through present day. Most of the veterans honored are buried locally, but any veteran is welcome to be placed in this memorial.
You are always welcome to visit Grayville’s Veterans Memorials to honor America’s brave and fallen heroes.